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How Soils Impact Your Property in the DFW Area

Have you ever noticed that your property is not draining correctly? That it’s shifting and eroding? It could be because of the type of soil that is found in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Different types of soils play a major role in how your property functions and looks, from drainage issues to foundation problems. Let’s take a closer look at what types of soils are found here and what it means for your property. 
The Soils Found in DFW:
In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, there are three major soil groups which are clay (clayey), sandy (sandy/gravelly), and loamy (loam). Clayey soils are made up of particles that are held together by clay minerals, giving them a plasticity when they come into contact with water. Sandy or gravelly soils are made up of large particles including sand and gravel, making them poor conductors of water. Loamy soils contain an equal mix of sand, silt, and clay particles making them the best conductors for water. An understanding these different types can help you understand how they affect your property. 
How Soil Type Affects Your Property:
Soil type plays a major role in drainage around your home or business. Clayey soils will absorb more water than other types since they can hold more moisture, but will become saturated easily. Sandy or gravelly soils on the other hand are not able to absorb as much water due to their larger particles size, but won’t become saturated as quickly either. Loamy soils have an even mix between small and large particles which allows them to absorb slightly more water than sandy soil but less than clayey soil. Depending on where you live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area will determine what type of soil you have which can affect drainage patterns around your home or business. 
Foundation Problems Caused by Soil Type :
Clayey soils are notorious for expanding when wet and contracting when dry causing movement under structures like homes or businesses leading to foundation problems such as cracking or settling foundations over time if left unchecked. The same can be said for sandy or gravelly soils as well if proper drainage systems aren’t installed around structures to help reduce saturation levels around foundations during periods of heavy rain fall or flooding events which may occur from time to time during spring months here in Texas. Proper grading is also needed around structures built on any type of soil group in order to direct runoff away from those areas so that it doesn’t cause damage over time due to standing water near those areas either above ground or below ground depending on where runoff is directed after leaving its source point(s).             
Understanding soil types helps homeowners better understand why their properties may be experiencing certain issues such as poor drainage patterns or foundation problems due to expansion and contraction caused by different soil groups typically found in the Dallas-Fort Worth area being wetter one day then dryer another day leading to movement beneath those structures over a period of time if left unchecked by someone knowledgeable about these matters who can properly assess each issue on a case by case basis keeping aesthetic value along with functionality during each assessment at all times going forward with any project related thereto whether big or small alike! Hiring a professional who understands how different soil conditions effect properties here locally is key! Knowing how the different types may affect your property is important for making sure it stays safe and looks good too!