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Engineering Services

FEMA Letters of Map Change (LOMC)


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Mapped Floodplains

Does your development project impact or alter a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) mapped floodplain? Cardinal’s engineers will submit on your behalf the FEMA Letter of Map Change (LOMC) required by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations and will coordinate these submittals through the local floodplain administrator. Our team can submit all types of FEMA-required changes including the:

A Cardinal Strategies engineer pointing at a design with another engineer sitting at a table.
John Jacobs working at his desk on engineering designs


We're Here to Help With Your Submission Process

Cardinal is here to help make your submittal process as smooth as possible. Our engineers are experienced in navigating the LOMC process, file dozens of submittals each year, and have cultivated relationships with FEMA contacts and third-party representatives.

Contact us today to start your submittal.