Do you have a failing stream bank or major erosion concerns in a nearby channel? These complex erosion issues occur over time and can be accelerated by development changes upstream in the watershed. Now’s the time to address your failing bank before it exposes utility lines, affects nearby amenities or walking paths, and more.
Cardinal’s experienced stormwater engineers can design a holistic solution to stabilize and/or restore your stream to a natural state and mitigate future erosion concerns. To design a more sustainable solution, our stormwater engineers consult with experienced in-house contractors who have extensive field experience and real-world applications.
Not only can Cardinal engineer the design for your stream restoration or stabilization project, but our highly experienced in-house construction group can construct the solution as well. Cardinal is your one-stop shop for major complex erosion issues.
Cardinal Strategies provides the engineering, environmental, and construction expertise needed to solve complex stormwater challenges.
2024 WBE of the Year Award Winner
Firm PE Certifications:
Texas Firm No. F-11976
Oklahoma Firm No. 7713
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