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Project Highlight

Windsong Ranch

Windsong Ranch Channel Bank Remediation

Project Summary

Windsong Ranch is a master-planned community and includes the Main Stem of Doe Branch as well as several Doe Branch Tributaries. As part of this development, a large sanitary sewer line was constructed along Doe Branch Tributary 6. The sanitary sewer line crosses this creek in several locations where water from the creek migrates to the sewer line. The water that is transmitted along the sewer line trench surfaced back into the creek and caused the creek bank slope to slide and fail. The project included the installation of a geoweb and a reinforced earth bank to stabilize the creek bank. The installation also included “live staking” of native water plants in the channel to assist in the restoration of the stream.
Windsong Ranch entry sign in Prosper, TX

Project Highlight Video

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